Welcome to the Igniting Innovation Initiative Site!

Our Vision: Expose 6th-12th grade students to STEM skills and STEM occupations in western Nebraska.

Click here to reserve the i3 trailer.

Lab #1 - Branding & Marketing

Lab #2 - Electronics

Lab #3 - CNC

Lab #4 - Engineering

Lab #5 - UGV Programming

Lab #6 - Robotics

Lab #7 - Smart Home

Lab #8 - Virtual Reality

Lab #9 - Pneumatics

Lab #10 - Welding

Lab #11 - Agriculture

Tweet out your projects to @ESU_16 and use the hashtags #WhatInspirESU, #STEM, and #i3

A special thank you to the Mid-Nebraska Makerspace for all their assistance to make ESU 16's i3 trailer possible!

i3 logo