T&L Focus:

The intention of T&L Connects is to be embedded within the districts identified with the hopes of making any connections needed to support and move their priorities forward


Teaching and Learning Staff


Alison Smith- Teaching & Learning Director

Focus Areas:

Leadership Development, Mentorship & Coaching, NSCAS & NWEA Assessment & Data Analysis, Curriculum Development, School Improvement Process, MTSS implementation

I am a dedicated educator and administrator with a diverse educational background. I earned my  Bachelor's degree in Human Sciences in Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Furthering my expertise, I obtained two master's degrees: one in Instructional Technology with an emphasis on school librarianship from the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and another in Principalship K-8 from Wayne State College. I also hold an Educational Specialist (EdS) degree from Wayne State College.

As the Teaching and Learning Director, I am passionate about supporting all educators but primarily focused on leaders across the service unit to be the best version of themselves. Additionally, I focus on continuous improvement and strategic planning in school districts that I get to partner with. I am honored to cheer-lead the Teaching and Learning team in ESU16. My statewide leadership roles include involvement with High-quality Instructional Materials and Professional Learning core Nebraska state team, co-chairing the ESU Leadership Cadre, and participating in various committees across the state.

I am actively involved in professional organizations, holding memberships in NCSA, NASB, and Schoolmasters. In my personal time, I enjoy family activities, watching my children excel in sports and personal growth, embarking on family trips and adventures, hosting my own cooking show, and preparing meals for those in need.

Connect Districts:

Maxwell, North Platte, North Platte Catholic, St. Paul's


Mackenzie Carstens- Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Focus Areas:

ELA, High Quality Instructional Materials Adoption & implementation, Instructional Coaching, New Teacher Support

Connect Districts:

Hershey, McPherson County, South Platte, Stapleton


Nicole Long-Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Focus Areas:

PreK-2,eduCLIMBER,Early Childhood MTSS

Nicole holds a Bachelor's in Art Education, a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction, and a Master's in Educational Leadership with a Preschool-12 Principalship endorsement. Throughout her career, she has taught students across all grade levels, K-12, and has served as both an Assistant Principal and Principal for preschool through 6th grade. She has also held roles as an Assessment Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator, Data Steward and as a Teammates Coordinator, showcasing her commitment to fostering growth and success in educational settings. She is passionate about serving schools in western Nebraska, where she is live her whole life.

Outside of her professional life, Nicole enjoys spending time outdoors mowing and gardening, experimenting with baking, and cherishing moments with her husband, three children, and two beloved Labrador dogs.

Connect Districts:

Brady, Thedford, ESU 16 & 15 Districts PreK-2

Lane Swedberg

Lane Swedberg-Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Focus Areas:

Math, Science, High Quality Instructional Materials Adoption & Implementation, Instructional Coaching, High Ability Learners (HAL), STEM, New Teacher Support

As a Teaching and Learning Coordinator at Educational Service Unit 16, I focus on supporting educators and administrators in math and science content areas, as well as the development and implementation of continuous school improvement initiatives. My role involves providing professional development, instructional resources, and leadership to enhance student achievement across our region.

I began my career in 2016 as a 6th-grade math teacher for North Platte Public Schools. Later, I expanded my teaching experience by working in Title I education at Maxwell Public Schools. Currently, I am advancing my expertise through graduate studies. I am pursuing a Master of Arts for Teachers in Mathematics from the University of Nebraska and an Educational Leadership degree from Doane University, equipping me with the skills to lead and innovate in educational settings.

Outside of work, I enjoy staying active, participating in music and theater, and spending quality time with friends and family. These activities enrich my personal life and inspire creativity in my professional endeavors.

Connect Districts:

Mullen, Ogallala, Paxton, Sutherland, St Luke's

Loree Cain

Loree Cain-Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Focus Areas:

Mental Wellness Lead, Secondary MTSS Development & Implementation, eduCLIMBER, New Teacher Support

I serve as a Teaching and Learning Coordinator at ESU 16, bringing a variety of different experiences and expertise to my role. I hold a BA degree in Spanish and Public Relations, as well as an MA degree in Education and Reading Literacy. Currently, I am advancing my education by pursuing an Administrative degree in Educational Leadership.

I served students for 14 years in the classroom teaching Spanish, digital media, and journalism. I also dedicated seven years to serving as a district English Language Coordinator.

In my current role as a T&L Coordinator, I specialize in guiding the development and implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to help school districts address the unique needs of their students. I also support new teachers entering the profession and secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers, ensuring they all have the resources and guidance needed to excel. Beyond academics, I serve as the coordinator of ESU 16's Mental Wellness team, focusing on initiatives that promote the well-being of both educators and students.

I am a mother of four amazing kids, I’m married to a comedic accountant, and enjoy a busy life raising my family in the same town that I grew up in.

Connect Districts:

Arthur County, Hyannis, Perkins County, Wallace

Melissa States

Melissa States, Teaching and Learning Coordinator

I started my career in education 28 years ago in Kansas City, Missouri.  From August 2003 to May 2024, I had the pleasure of serving at Paxton Consolidated Schools, as the Elementary Principal and a teacher in both 1st Grade and Kindergarten, as well as K-12 Special Education. I am currently a member of the Teaching and Learning Team at ESU16, serving as the High Plains Early Learning Connection Coordinator.

I earned both my  bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and a master's degree in Special Education from Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri, and my Elementary Principal Certification from the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

I am passionate about early childhood education and shaping strong foundational learning experiences for young children. My professional mission is to support educators and communities in creating high quality, equitable and accessible environments for early learners, ages birth-3rd grade.

I enjoy traveling, cooking, concerts, live theater, and spending quality time with her family and friends.