The Owls students had a great time today at the ESU 16 Social Skills Workshop. They met some new friends. Had a wonderful lunch at Holiday Inn Express. Then Mr. Spencer from South Platte Schools was a amazing DJ for the dance. Thanks to Lou and Megan for an awesome day!

Owls students are learning about Community Services. Today we visited Workforce Development. Raquel Hernandez-Bourgeois the Workforce Coordinator explained their services and showed us how to access their website: http://neworks.nebraska.gov. Thank you Raquel!

Erate 471 workday to be held in North Platte on March 19. Please register at: http://esu16.longtermsolutions.com

One new piece of data we looked at during our CIP Data Day was community and county population numbers in the areas we serve. https://data.census.gov/

South Platte Public Schools also completed their Perkins V Local Application this week! Yahoo!

This week, Hershey & Arthur Co. completed their Perkins V Local Application! Remember that this is due Friday, February 28th!

Literacy development is vital to academic success, as is professional learning for educators and collaboration around best practices. GREAT bumping into these ladies at the NSLA Conference! I know their students in ESU 16 will benefit from the time they spent here. #NSLA2020

Jamie Taylor at Thedford Public Schools is utilizing a tool that she learned at #EDventurous1920! Quizlet Live was her student's favorite tech tool. #LearnFromCollaboration #BetterTogether

WOW! Today, we witnessed an ASTONISHING lesson from Mrs. Sheets during teaching studies. She utilized her high-quality instructional materials (CPM) to give her students a hands-on experience with the Pythagorean Theorem #WhatInspirESU #Collaboration #BetterTogether #HQIM

Story By: Tyler Cronin @MIsterCronin | See their story and share your own! https://iloveps.org/stories/tyler-cronin via @NElovesPS #whatinspirESU

For an assessment to truly be FORMATIVE, you have to CHANGE something in your instruction! Are you utilizing them to inform & change your instruction? If not, why are you administering them? 7 @esu_16 districts are thinking about what a balanced assessment system means for them!

EDventurous Para-Professional PLC:
"Thank you so much for your presentation yesterday for the paras. You made the day enjoyable. I felt the content was very applicable and the interactive activities helped to solidify the learning. It was obvious you spent a lot of time in thought and preparation to make the day worthwhile. I went home yesterday energized to face the week and bring a new attitude into the classroom!"
Thank you!,
Jennifer Most - Brady Public Schools

EDventurous 19-20 concluded today! This AMAZING day was filled with collaboration, new learnings, and friendship. Thank you to all the speakers that could be here for this event. Also, thank you @HersheyPanthers for allowing us to use your wonderful facilities! #WhatInspirESU

Happy Valentine’s Day! We started Cadre #4 of Teaching Studies today in Krystal Sauser’s classroom. The Wallace Wildcats were converting decimals to fractions and creating a number line. #Collaboration #WhatInspirESU

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from ESU 16! We love our schools! XOXO

MTSS Today and Beyond - Day 4 - on April 1. No fooling! Register at: http://esu16.longtermsolutions.com/

March 31 is MTSS Day 3 workshop for districts and schools that completed Days 1 and 2. Register at: http://esu16.longtermsolutions.com/

April 16th CPI Initial Training in Ogallala! Register Soon!

Here are some great ideas to support teachers and school staff in the classroom when it comes to students' mental health.